2: Introduction Appendix (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1881). Stuttgart: (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993).īrooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort, The Nuevo Testamento in the Original Griego, vol. Holmes, Griego Nuevo Testamento: SBL Edition. (British and Foreign Biblia Society, 1904). Strong's Tagging via Open Scriptures, David Troidl and Christopher KimballĮberhard Nestle, Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ.
Lockman Foundation for use of the NASB Exhaustive Concordance (Strong's).ĭavid Troidl and Christopher Kimball for use of the WLC with Strong's Tagging.
We are grateful to those who have made this project possible:Ĭharles Van der Pool for use of the Apostolic Biblia Polyglot Interlineal.